Vintage Male Nudes
most luscious, masculine men ever photographed from the 1860s to the
1980s. If you love the innocence of men having sex with men in old
black and white photos (some will be in colour), please follow my
Unless otherwise noted, these pictures are found somewhere on the 'Net.
All models are presumed to be of legal age. Pictures inspire fantasies:
captions with words like "Daddy", "boy", "son", "brother", "cousin",
etc. do not imply anything about age or actual familial relationship.
most luscious, masculine men ever photographed from the 1860s to the
1980s. If you love the innocence of men having sex with men in old
black and white photos (some will be in colour), please follow my
Unless otherwise noted, these pictures are found somewhere on the 'Net.
All models are presumed to be of legal age. Pictures inspire fantasies:
captions with words like "Daddy", "boy", "son", "brother", "cousin",
etc. do not imply anything about age or actual familial relationship.
Les amities particulieres (1964) THIS SPECIAL FRIENDSHIPLes amitiés particulières (This Special Friendship)
THIS SPECIAL FRIENDSHIP tells of the tender relationship between a
twelve-year-old boy and the upperclassman who is the object of his
desire. All set in the rigid atmosphere of a Jesuit run school.
French cinema has always been, if not the most profound and analytic
in the world, indeed, the one that sets the benchmark. In this
beautifully shot film, Delanoy tackles a difficult subject matter (for
our days) that wasn’t so then. When I saw Les Amities Particulieres for
the first time, I simply couldn’t realise how important it was. Now,
after many years, I find it much more interesting than it would have
been in the sixties. ”Special friendships” are youthful relationships
with homoerotic overtones, and this film explores them in the setting of
a strict French Roman Catholic boys’ boarding school in the 1920s. The
faculty are ever alert, depriving the students of all privacy. When a
vulnerable fifteen-year old boy, motivated variously by jealousy,
subservience and fear, or genuine good intentions, co-operates with his
teachers’ campaigns to repress all suggestion of romance or impropriety
in his own and others’ friendships, he betrays everyone most important
to him. Based on the novel “Les Amities Particulieres” by Roger
Director: Jean Delannoy
Cast: Francis Lacombrade, Didier Haudepin, François Leccia
France | 1964 | 100 min
Les amities particulieres (1964) THIS SPECIAL FRIENDSHIPLes amitiés particulières (This Special Friendship)
THIS SPECIAL FRIENDSHIP tells of the tender relationship between a
twelve-year-old boy and the upperclassman who is the object of his
desire. All set in the rigid atmosphere of a Jesuit run school.
French cinema has always been, if not the most profound and analytic
in the world, indeed, the one that sets the benchmark. In this
beautifully shot film, Delanoy tackles a difficult subject matter (for
our days) that wasn’t so then. When I saw Les Amities Particulieres for
the first time, I simply couldn’t realise how important it was. Now,
after many years, I find it much more interesting than it would have
been in the sixties. ”Special friendships” are youthful relationships
with homoerotic overtones, and this film explores them in the setting of
a strict French Roman Catholic boys’ boarding school in the 1920s. The
faculty are ever alert, depriving the students of all privacy. When a
vulnerable fifteen-year old boy, motivated variously by jealousy,
subservience and fear, or genuine good intentions, co-operates with his
teachers’ campaigns to repress all suggestion of romance or impropriety
in his own and others’ friendships, he betrays everyone most important
to him. Based on the novel “Les Amities Particulieres” by Roger
Director: Jean Delannoy
Cast: Francis Lacombrade, Didier Haudepin, François Leccia
France | 1964 | 100 min

fgdn178 ha preguntado:
Loveyour page... I absolutely adore the pix of personalities and celebs
naked... Rock Hudson is beautiful. Hope you'll post more of celebs...
Thank you for following. I enjoy posting them for your viewing pleasure!

Vince Edwards….AKA Dr Ben Casey

Actor Victor Mature

Jack Lalanne & Jack Thomas

Jack Lalanne

Bodybuilder Jack Thomas

Chuck Berry and his “Ding-a-Ling”

1939 LIFE mag photo of Cincinnati Reds showering

Aldo Ray, American Actor

Bob Feller of the Cleveland Indians

Andy Bathgate (right)…Canadian Hockey player
young men in swimming trunks, getting picture taken with their boat.- 1950sClassic

in the early 1900’s….Percy Grainger is lying face-down on some
cushions, naked. Whip marks are visible on his back and buttocks: a
knotted rope is visible above his head…….he was an admitted Sadist and
into flagellation…..he donated his collection of “whips & toys” to
his museum…..”Nice ass Percy !!!”
in the early 1900’s….Percy Grainger is lying face-down on some
cushions, naked. Whip marks are visible on his back and buttocks: a
knotted rope is visible above his head…….he was an admitted Sadist and
into flagellation…..he donated his collection of “whips & toys” to
his museum…..”Nice ass Percy !!!”
anónimo ha preguntado:
I wish that I could view all at once but can't. How do I move to where I left off instead of going back 120 pages Thanks
Please click on the Archive button. Posts are displayed by Month and Year. Click on the Month you want to view.

Percy Grainger,Australian composer born in 1882…into Sm and liked being photographed nude during SM sessions
What a handsome man! thank you for the submission!
Blog Owner
What a handsome man! thank you for the submission!
Blog Owner

another beautiful submission!