domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

20 Sweet, Tiny Vintage Photos Of Gay Couples

20 Sweet, Tiny Vintage Photos Of Gay Couples

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Vintage Gay

Vintage Gay

  • 25 Pines

i think this is one of my favorite images. I just love the way these two look.

Vintage photo of a gay couple

Vintage male couple before
Stonewall, Gay Pride and Marriage Equality. Gay folks have been out
there the whole time.

Vintage male couple before
Stonewall, Gay Pride and Marriage Equality. Gay folks have been out
there the whole time.

Vintage male couple before
Stonewall, Gay Pride and Marriage Equality. Gay folks have been out
there the whole time.

 : gay portraits from gay pix for gay people - Vintage Gay Couples

Vintage Gay Men - I had to
use Snip It because some stupid person reported these pins as spam or
inappropriate. Don't inflict your prejudices upon the rest of us.

Vintage male couple before
Stonewall, Gay Pride and Marriage Equality. Gay folks have been out
there the whole time.

Vintage male couple before
Stonewall, Gay Pride and Marriage Equality. Gay folks have been out
there the whole time.

Vintage male couple before
Stonewall, Gay Pride and Marriage Equality. Gay folks have been out
there the whole time.

Vintage gay beau's what
courage in a time so difficult to be lovers....60tyears ago we still
have many hurdles to cross for full equality.......very touching duo

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